Women's Spring & Summer Study

** This study is now full. Please contact Nancy Lewis if you would like to be added to the waitlist. **


Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It by Jennie Allen

How often have you heard, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you”? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others? Join us for a casual book study on Jennie Allen’s new book Untangle Your Emotions. In her book, the best-selling author uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you:

    • exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a better process to know what you feel and what to do about it.
    • debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others.
    • live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as “emotional” or not.
    • sit with confusing and painful feelings that can help you discover the depth of God’s love and compassion.

STUDY Details 

This in-person summer study will take place the 2nd Thursday in each month. This study is open to women at all campuses.

Location: Kennett campus
Dates: May 9, June 13, July 11 and August 8
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

How this study works: For this study there will be assigned reading for each session. Each Thursday evening we will enjoy light snacks and beverages, watch a short video and discuss what we watched and read. Please purchase your own book on Amazon or Christianbook in advance of the first session; there is no registration fee.