Baptism and Membership
Getting Baptized
At Willowdale, we love to celebrate lives changed by Christ. One of the ways we do that is through Baptisms. Baptism is a public expression of your faith in Christ. We baptize people today because Jesus told us that after a person has become His follower, they are to be baptized. Baptism is the one rite of passage that Jesus requires of every true believer. If you haven’t been baptized, as a believer, we invite you to take the plunge and signify your faith in Jesus. Check out the link below to learn more about baptism and Willowdale’s perspective.
At Willowdale, we practice believer’s baptism rather than infant baptism, believing this important rite is best undertaken when a person chooses for themselves to follow Jesus. Obviously, your little one is not quite capable of that yet. But we still believe the birth of your baby is a spiritually significant event and should be marked as such through dedication. For more information about Child Dedications, CLICK HERE.

Become A Member
Becoming a Member of the church is one way to signify your commitment to God and the church, and to show that you want to live out your faith as part of this local body of believers. Though membership is not required to attend Willowdale, we highly encourage it.
If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about it, please fill out our membership interest form and we will be in contact with you to answer any questions you may have and to set up a conversation with one of our pastors.